Word List 17 Impulse: She often buys clothes on impulse. Wax: I need a wax candle now! Incapacitate: Appear: These newly-designed devices will not appear on the exhibition. Check: The plumber made a careful check of the pipes and shook his head. Collect: Stamp collecting is my hobby. Attract: I was attracted by the spectacular display of fireworks. Describe: Chunk: In the old days, daily use often meant a big chunk of the family income. Agency: I went to an employment agency last week. Blend: Blend the sugar and flour together and see what will happen. Conceive: People used to conceive of disease as a punishment for sin. Affect: Smoking will affect health. Frustrate: Extend: The headmaster extended our holiday by four days. Introduce: Advice: I have always valued his advice. Attitude: Use a questionnaire to find out people's attitudes towards smoking. Deliver: We are expected to deliver those letters before May. Course: This course is a prerequisite to more advanced studies. Match: You can't match him in chess. Employ: Pedal: I pedaled my bicycle up the hill. Resident: Optometrist: Degrade: You degrade yourself when you tell a lie. Particle: He has not a particle of malice in him. Downpour: Telescope: Transport: The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport. Prepare: The orchestra is preparing for a concert. Registration: They charge registration fee. Chaos: Without rules, people would live in a state of chaos. Gorge: Recreational: Systematic: He is systematic in his work. Subtropical: Detract: Seal: Seals and whales are marine animals. Depress: Scarce: Evidence: The evidence is not conclusive. Besides: She lives in the bungalow besides the oak tree. Waterproof: Exclusive: The book costs 10 dollars, exclusive of postage. Majority: The minority is subordinate to the majority. Despite: Dissolve: Salt dissolves in water. Release: He recommended that the prisoners be released. Deploy: Original: This is the original painting, and these others are copies. Branch: A snake coiled itself around the branch. Chancellor: Vertical: Walls are usually vertical. Herbivore: Flat: Occasionally: Harridan: Accommodation: Accommodation is expensive in Beijing. Static: Section: Cut the cake into sections. Scale: This ruler has one scale in centimeters and another in inches. Constantly: The event constantly recurred to me. Ailment: Adhere: Mud adhered to my shoes. Extracurricular: Propel: He was propelled by ambition. Posture: Good posture is important for health. Overseas: My brother lives overseas. Industrialise: Empire: What caused the Roman Empire to decay? Mechanic: He's an automobile mechanic. Fracture: The old man fell and fractured his upper arm.