Word List 5 Pulley: Privilege: I had the privilege of meeting the queen. Infrastructure: Allocate: The manager allocate duties to the assistants. Qualification: He has no qualifications for the post. Expand: Our automobile industry is expanding. Trap: Shut your trap! Intern: These soldiers were interned in a neutral country until the war was over. Repaint: Specialist: Dr. Washington is a specialist in genetics. Migratory: It's a migratory tribe. Nutrition: A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body. Inlet: Censor: Widespread: Hazard: He put his life in hazard to save me. Rear: We attacked the enemy from the rear. Shareholder: Bid: He bid $5 for a broken mirror. Alight: He set the dry leaves alight. Credit: He flourished his credit card. Shrewd: He is shrewd in business. Desert: Desert land stretches eastward across Arabia into Central Asia. Conclude: Explosive: The miners put some explosives in the mine. Inherent: A love of music is inherent in human nature. World-wide: Grope: He groped for the door handle in the dark. Lever: I levered the lid off the box with a stick. Ethical: Improvement: They negotiated with the management for an improvement in working conditions. Vacant: Are there any vacant rooms in this hotel? Truant: The child was severely punished for playing truant. Scandal: The president will have to resign for being involved in a political scandal. Latent: Tenant: Psychiatric: Campfire: Bolster: Immigrant: Canada has many immigrants from Europe. Sequence: We go to the classroom in sequence. Ecosystem: Concern: Provision of shelter was their main concern. Transfer: The ownership of that house was transferred to somebody. Exotic: He liked New York for its exotic manners. Evaporate: Destiny: It was his destiny to remain poor. Hide: Former: Australia is a former British colony. Awful: We had an awful earthquake last week. Sore: I have a sore throat. Virtually: The work is virtually finished. Tangibly: Windscreen: Decent: He earns a decent living. Alluvial: Slum: Many colored people live in the slum near the Main Street. Distill: Economical: He is economical of his time. Fate: Don't rave at fate. Medication: The doctor prescribed some medication. Target: He missed the target by two inches. Independent: Radius: What is the radius of this circle? Fossil: Coal is a fossil fuel. Shade: Headmaster: He slandered me in front of the headmaster. Wean: She tried to wean him away from baseball. Comprise: The house comprises three rooms. Stable: Disappointing: Delta: Urban: Compliment: Your presence is a great compliment. Execution: executions used to be held in public.